Касцёл Святога Яна Хрысціцеля. Першы мураваны касцёл у мястэчку Гальшаны з’явіўся ў пачатку XVI ст. Сучасны свой выгляд храм атрымаў пасля перабудоў 1618 і 1770-ых гадоў. Пасля Другой сусветнай вайны касцёл зачынілі савецкія ўлады, у будынку зрабілі склад. У пачатку 1990-ых храм вярнулі каталікам. Пасля гэтага будынак адрэстаўравалі. Найбольшую цікавасць сярод інтэр’ераў мае размалёўка алтарнай часткі ў стылі грызайль, што імітуе галоўны алтар. Раней у правай бакавой капліцы знаходзілася мармуровае надмагілле фундатара касцёла Паўла Стэфана Сапегі і яго трох жонак. Цяпер яго можна ўбачыць у музеі старажытнабеларускай культуры.
Артур Шкуратов
Level 8 Local Expert
July 17, 2024
An incredibly beautiful and interesting place that is definitely worth a visit in Golshany. The priest is a very nice man who let us into the church and even told us about his life and history. Also, the church and the surrounding area are very clean and well-groomed, it is clear that this is being monitored. Many thanks to the priest and the guide Igor for a very interesting tour of the Golshany!
The place of attraction is in the town of Golshany. I highly recommend visiting this place. The seventeenth century. If you manage to get inside, then be impressed by the frescoes. I managed it from afar.
It's a beautiful church, but we couldn't get in, we could only take a picture through the bars. And they also say that the ghost of the White Lady lives in the attached monastery))) It's a pity that we found out about it after we were there.
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Pavel Sindrevich
Level 28 Local Expert
August 23, 2023
The Franciscan Church is one of the most beautiful sights of Golshan. If you decide to take a ride to the Golshansky castle, then look here to enjoy the beauty and charm of antiquity, looking at this church.
A church with an interesting history (a girl was walled up in the wall during construction ) The interior was closed for restoration , a very beautiful place . A 17th century building!!