The church of St. Casimir is a Catholic church , this church stands at the entrance to the city's central park, the temple stands even before the revolution, after the revolution, no one held a service until the collapse of the USSR, well, and the service began anew somewhere years later, the policy was so burning with its points, as Lenin's slogan was religion opium for the people, and then, too, the Communist Party was very cunning and did not intend to share power over people with religion, and this church stood like that until the best of times until the last evil empire of the USSR fell, the ideology that was gone and in general without faith, there is no hope, because there is no such thing as living in the trenches under fire. Well, the temple soon pulled away and everything went back to the old way, or rather in a new way, and the parish began to serve again with a ksenz and a completely spiritual composition
The church is beautiful, snow-white, looks especially impressive from the side of the hydroelectric power station. Unfortunately, they could not get into the territory, it was closed.