Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
6.5 Br150 g
Освежающий газированный напиток
3.5 Br500 ml
Нежные картофельные оладьи с румяной хрустящей корочкой
Shawarma is super! One of the best in the city!
Delicious, crispy, lots of filling, juicy. The girls are nice and responsive, on request, they can double the sauce!)
Terrible service, it's not the first time in this place I take a shawarma to take away
But this time, apparently a new employee, a young girl, was kicked out of the institution without even saying hello because she wanted to come in with a dog (a puppy!) Moreover, there is no sign on the doors that animals are not allowed! That's how they lose customers, the way they talked, I really didn't like it, now I won't go to this place, despite the taste of shawarma
I would advise the owner of the point to hire normal cooks. They put one cabbage, the pita bread already crunches and crumbles, everything falls apart. What kind of dish do you have? Certainly not a shawarma. I have never seen such a semblance of food anywhere. Eat your own cabbage, not a foot more!