The fact that it's nearby, of course, is one advantage for me personally. But what I consider important for general use is that the assortment is being updated, there is nothing overdue, and I am scrupulous about this- I will say this, I have not come across it and this is a fact! Not expensive, but cheaper in comparison....I won't specify! In general, people can see this, and I'm certainly a regular customer of this new store in the area. There are many positive things that can be described, but I will say one thing and I want to point out - this is a polite attitude towards the customer and this is also a very important moment for me! Thanks
A great option for a budget store. The sellers are almost all friendly... Of course, there is an exception in one seller, but let's put it down to magnetic storms) there is a parking lot at home where you can park your car if you are passing through this store. The store is satisfied with the assortment. You can buy basic necessities