Be careful in this store! Cashiers cheat, not by much, but it's still not pleasant. Promotional goods are punched at full cost, and when you point it out, they say that they did not know about the promotion (and this is a few hours after the opening). Checks need to be begged, they tend to be thrown out immediately so that the amounts are not checked by buyers. Cashiers constantly sit in the "office" of the head. there is no one in the store and in the hall, while you are waiting, you can take out almost half of the store. One plus is that it is located nearby. But there is no desire to go there.
It's very cool when they open a grocery store right in your house, it's very convenient to get there. But it's not cool that regular fans of alcoholic beverages hang around your house. From the photos, only household chemicals for the house hahphhhhh, I hope this will help you somehow