КТ костей и суставов БЕЗ контрастного усиления (128 срезов)
для записи на услугу на платной основе звоните: +375 222 644 116; +375 29 623 94 88.
для прохождения КТ при себе иметь:
- направление от врача по месту жительства
- паспорт
- пеленку
- диск DVD-R
69.88 Br
КТ ангиография коронарных артерий и полостей сердца с подсчетом индекса коронарного кальция
для записи на услугу на платной основе звоните: +375 222 644 116; +375 29 623 94 88.
для прохождения КТ при себе иметь:
- направление от врача по месту жительства
- паспорт
- пеленку
- диск DVD-R
236.49 Br
МРТ головного мозга С контрастным усилением (с мощностью магнитного поля 1.5Т)
для записи на услугу на платной основе звоните: +375 222 644 116; +375 29 623 94 88.
What I want to say in short, one pensioner doctor's appointment and tests cost about 100 rubles.
What the paid service gives, gives you the opportunity to go to the doctor without waiting in line.
The doctor at the reception is not even interested in listening to the patient. The maximum reception lasts 3-5 minutes, he will tell you to drink pills for a month, see what changes will be at the next ultrasound. The analysis of urine and blood does not even look.
You can eat delicious food, friendly staff, beautiful view from the terrace
See original · Русский
Level 15 Local Expert
June 3, 2024
I left a request for a consultation with an orthopedic dentist, they called back from the registry
They said that they have such a doctor, but the doctor of maxillofacial surgery will help me and answer all questions related to dental implantation
As a result, the work of the registry surprised both me and the doctor himself.. There are people at the reception who do not understand medicine at all, the stupidest waste is 23 rubles.
This doctor does not specialize in dental implants.
Thanks to the reception.