We came to give away the equipment. Closed. There was a piece of paper with phone numbers on the doors, they called these numbers and said that they would not accept anything, neither the equipment nor the applications for disconnections. And the bills are sent ((( Before that, they called and said that you should hand over to Malinovsky... I ordered a taxi, spent my time and money and nothing... We have not used Ukrtelekom for a year, we have had another provider for a long time, which we are happy with. And we pay how we use it (It is very difficult to hand over the equipment and write applications to one service center, but there are a lot of people(. The centers are closed, we beat like fish on ice, we call, we write, and they say that we have such rules, we need to bring equipment and write a statement, and this is all on time The Crown of the virus, which has been for half a year ((( That's how it is, and we continue to pay(() For the fact that we do not use the services of Ukrtelekom. And there are a lot of people like us. (((
See original
Anonymous review
August 8, 2020
The location is convenient.This is a plus.And the minus is that since February the phone in the house 21-A on Avtozavodskaya Street has not been working.They answer my calls every month that work is underway.It will be done on the 4th.And so it is every month.I already hate the 4th number.I can't call my mom, who is 90 years old.We have a lot of old ladies in our house, too, and they are all outraged.HOW LONG WILL YOU MOCK ME?
It is impossible to get through. The phone does not work on the Avenue of Heroes of Stalingrad, 22, the answering machine kicks off, the deadline for work is already on October 21! More than a month! Why should we pay for a broken phone??? The quality of service is terrible...