На ресепшене достаточно грамотная в техническом плане женщина средних лет, знающая многие нюансы.
Изготовление достаточно быстрое. Но как говорится без нюансов не бывает. Если бы было всё гут к ним бы стояла очередь, но нет. Двери приехали ровные без повреждений ,но по прошествии месяца хранения в правильном положении, в отапливаем помещении пошли небольшой дугой. Дуга небольшая 2-3мм,как бы вписывается в СТБ, но неизвестно как будет дальше. Благо коробка тоже пошла дугой в нужную сторону. Устанавливал сам( долго).С этими дверями быстрый вариант не прокатит, а иначе будет совсем не айс. Наличники все повыгибало ,но они тонкие и поддаются правке в процессе монтажа.
Вывод-двери по дизайну отличные, изготавливаются неплохо, но из некачественно высушенного материала. Плюс ненадлежащее температурное хранение.
Вот теперь думаю заказывать дальше у них или искать другие.
Think 10 times before you buy here. The doors are crooked. It leads them over time. They're also sagging. Some of them have almost sat down on the floor. They also give their installers, who also install the doors crookedly. Over time, you can put a whole finger through the gap. We ordered 8 doors. Of the 8, only 2 remained normal.
It was given in the region of 4800 rubles. These doors are not worth that much money.
If it were possible to put 0 stars, I would.
For such a price, the quality is bad. The doors look perfect in the cabin. The doors have been delivered to you, then inspect them immediately. There may be glue on the glasses, cracks in the veneer, curved platbands, mechanical damage is covered with putty, which does not immediately catch the eye.There were prints of a worker's mitt on one door. Of the five doors, only one was normal. True, they eliminated their shoals, but the sediment remained. They offer a discount if you make the payment in advance. Do not be fooled by this, because with saving 200 rubles, you will get a marriage and you will not be able to return the doors. Pay on the fact. There are shoals, let them take them and take them away. The door seal turned yellow and cracked after six months, yellowness breaks through on the white doors.I do not recommend buying it. Remember that a Greedy person pays twice.
I bought the doors in the Commander. It's not the first time. The old apartment also had its doors for many years. There were no questions. Therefore, we turned to them again. I liked everything, both the quality and the price.
If you started a repair and decided to change the doors, you are definitely here. Excellent store, availability of installments. The price of solid pine doors will pleasantly surprise you. Of the entire range that is on the market today, prices are slightly lower here. Polite, competent staff. The quality of the doors is very good. I bought from them myself. I recommend.
The quality of the doors is three. The entire casing was "turned around by helicopter" after a couple of months. Even during installation, the master showed that the box for the door is an arc. It cannot be replaced urgently, since everything is made to order.