Our "Shanghai") a large square adjacent to the market building is randomly filled with booths of various cuts, types and styles. With various measures, various organized criminal groups cut pieces of the market territory on which containers, pavilions and other small architectural forms were erected. The apogee of the development was the so-called "Passage", which stretches a few centimeters from the tram tracks almost to the bus station itself, so that, alas, you will not be able to pass by the market without entering it. Low-budget participants in trading operations were thus forced to move along Stroitelei Street, where little by little, after various persecutions and showdowns, a simpler market crystallized. At first, the goods lay on the asphalt, then, as usual, booths appeared, and then pavilions, which now extend all the way to the Kherson highway. And so - the market is like a market, you can find and buy everything for every taste and purse, as they say.)
Always fresh and high-quality food..polite sellers..a friendly atmosphere and a very large selection of food and everything else.
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Level 6 Local Expert
May 22, 2021
Dirty, there are scattered outlets behind the market, while there is a lot of free space inside the market. Products are in rows with things. In one word, there is no master.