На курсе вас ждёт интересная и эффективная программа обучения, поэтому всего за 4 месяца и 4 часа в неделю вы освоите конструирование, моделирование и пошив одежды. Мы гарантируем, что вы сошьёте качественно 3 изделия от А до Я: от снятия мерок и ...
168 Br20 ac.hour
Курс «Детская одежда как свой бизнес»
Мы очень любим наших малышей и так хочется шить для них милые вещи из качественных натуральных тканей. Каждое детское изделие может стать настоящим произведением искусства, если его отдекорировать разнообразными элементами и украсить бусинами, ярк...
188 Br20 ac.hour
Курс шитья "Нижнее бельё своими руками"
Кружевное нижнее бельё собственного дизайна и сшитое своими руками – это возможно. Этот курс интересен для тех, кто уже умеет шить, а также для тех, кто только начинает заниматься пошивом одежды. Порадуйте себя и любимого красивым бельём, сделанны...
I took a basic course with Tatiana. Tatiana is a professional, it immediately aroused respect. The course is full of information and interesting. There's a lot of information that you just can't find. The course teaches you how to sew correctly. Immediately. It gives an idea of product modeling in such a way that it is quite lifting for oneself.
to implement it. It is clear that you will not become a master in 4 months, but for those who want to sew, this is an excellent basic start. During the course, three products were sewn - a skirt, trousers and a blouse. I chose the classic version- a straight skirt, trousers and a men's shirt, since I have no experience. The fit of the products turned out to be flawless, loved ones also appreciated it. She graduated from the courses with a great desire to continue sewing and develop her acquired skills. The courses also require, of course, self-improvement. Many thanks to Tatiana and everyone else who also worked with me for the communication and the warm atmosphere.
Just a delight!
I graduated from a course in underwear a couple of months ago. I just stopped buying underwear in stores, I sew everything myself, even tried to design and sew my mother by analogy - everything worked perfectly! I started paying attention to the processing of underwear in different stores and I will say that even a beginner like me gets much better!
Many thanks to Coco's School for giving me this world of sewing! This atmosphere in the classroom is just wow) For me now, the sewing process is just like meditation!
I took the basic course "Sewing is easy and simple". They explain well, answer questions, and the atmosphere is very friendly. Most of all, I liked that they sewed completely different products that were suitable for us. Teacher Maria is very empathetic and friendly. I wear the products with pleasure!