Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
3.9 Br100 g
Френч-фрайз с беконом
Обжаренный бекон с картошечкой фри, соленым огурчиком и лук-кранчем, приправленные соусом Чеддер и соусом Айоли
I really liked this place! The lights add atmosphere, there is a place to sit, good music. And the menu, in general, is a cannon, interesting! Everything is delicious and fast. So far I've tried three items from the menu and I'm not going to stop
Hello, a young man and I wanted to visit a new place for us. We were not very warmly welcomed! Of course, this ruined the whole impression before the meal. The seller was rude! As for the doners: we ordered two branded ones. It is stated that they are not sharp, but when used, the mouth is still baked. We liked the doners. We wanted to buy a cocktail, but we were refused – they said there were no flavors. It's not clear for what reason, maybe it's not the season? As for the equipment: we put napkins and toothpicks (which is rare for many street-type establishments), thank you for that! Doner – 4. Service – 2
I decided to taste this shawarma, took a large cheese one, the price is about 13p everywhere, the cooking time took 7 minutes, it didn't seem bad either, it was a day. They put a beacon in a bag, until they brought it home, it bent over and everything flowed into the bag. I liked everything about the filling, it was fresh, delicious and in equal proportions, but there is a significant difference, the shavuha was tasteless, (in particular, the sauce and everything they added) I had to salt myself and add mayonnaise and ketchup. Well, all the sauce was already in the bag..