The wooden monument to Grand Duke Vytautas was erected in the early 1990s. It was a gift to the city from the Lithuanian Cultural Foundation. A similar monument is located near the Trakai Castle.
A small and quite interesting monument to Prince Vytautas the Great is installed at the fork between the new and old castles. It looks manly and majestic, I recommend to inspect it.
Vytautas, grandson of Gediminas, son of Keistut and nephew of Algirdas. He was a prince of the Russian Empire, waged numerous wars with the Teutonic Order, Tatars, Russian principalities, and his own relatives. During the struggle for power, his cousin Yagailo (the son of Algirdas and the Tver Princess) was captured along with his father. Keistut (Yagailo's uncle and Vitovt's father) was killed in prison on Yagailo's orders, and Vitovt escaped by changing into a woman's dress. His daughter, Sofya Vitovtovna, was the wife of Grand Duke Vasily III of Moscow. In Grodno, which was the second capital of the Republic of Lithuania under Vytautas, there are no funds to erect a worthy monument to him, There is a wooden sculpture, and that was presented by the Lithuanians. But there are more than 400 monuments to Lenin in the Republic of Belarus.