Kлинкерный кирпич Roben Melbourne NF16 красны й гладкий полнотелый
Kлинкерный кирпич Roben Melbourne – классическая керамика: обожженная глина красного (кирпичного) цвета. Отличается высокой прочностью, устойчив к механическим повреждениям и долго
The organization's website is provided in an accessible and understandable format. We bought a Polish brick Roben, it was packed with high quality and carefully. Good quality, the bricks look natural. The prices are pleasant, the staff is tactful and competent. We were satisfied with the choice of the company and the material. We recommend it.
A big plus is that clinker tiles and Roben bricks are available in stock. The quality of the product is excellent. The service is at the highest level.