Изба XIX века, ретро дизайн и комфорт. Два уровня.
Спальня и 2 спальные зоны. Гостиная, столовая, санущел, терраса, мангальная зона, кухня. Возможен заказ питания. WiFi на всей территории
320 Br1 d
Прокат велосипедов
10 Br2 h
Мансардный номер с террасой
Уютный двухместный номер с обзорной террасой и видом на лес. Есть миникухня, своя мангальная зона. Доступен заказ питания.
190 Br1 d
Баня на берегу речки
Настоящая русская баня на берегу лесной речки. Травяной чай с медом, домашний квас, березовый веник, окунание в чистую лесную речку
150 Br4 h
Мёд и продукты пчеловодства
Разнотравье, лесной, гречишный, майский мёд с собственной пасеки
20 Br1 l
Домик на речке
Комфортабельный домик в оесу на берегу речки. Две спальни, гостиная, кухня, санузел. Терраса и мангальная зона. Тишина и единение с природой. Доступен заказ питания. WiFi на всей территории
250 Br1 d
Изба Жигмонд
Изба XIX века, ретро-дизайн айн и комфорт. 2 уровня. Спальня на 1 этаже, 6 спальных мест на втором этаже. Гостиная, столовая, санузел, кухня, терраса, мангальная зона. Доступен заказ питания. WiFi на всей территории
320 Br1 d
Полный Пансион/Полупансион/Завтраки
Завтрак 20 руб
Обед 25 руб
Ужин 30 руб
Меню на нашем сайте www.izbushki.by
I really enjoyed my stay with Irina. A hospitable hostess, a beautiful house, a forest around and delicious homemade food. An ideal place for those who want to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.
For three days in Malinovka, we walked through the Blue Lakes Park, visited the Housewarming Deposits with an excursion to museums (I will immediately warn you that the horse show is for kids) and the Arboretum, walked a couple of times through the territory of the Ozerny sanatorium (they also played bowling 25 b. r. per hour) and along the shore of Naroch (trail from the sanatorium Naroch).
We bought fresh honey from the hostess, as well as cheese in the nearest cheese factory Cheese house (chechel like our pigtail is very tasty).
We walked in the afternoon, and in the evening we rested outside the house. I recommend taking a mosquito repellent.
The house (we were in Bogumila) is clean, the interior is antique. The plumbing is in excellent condition. There is everything you need in the shared kitchen. It's very cozy.
We had a family vacation in the Malinovka farm.
An incredibly beautiful, warm and sincere place.
Every little thing speaks about the care of the hosts for the guests: and benches near the barbecue, benches with a ladder near a forest stream, pillows, candles, knitted socks for guests.
Agree, you will find this very few places.
It is, however, one of the warmest places we have ever been to.
We rested in July, a room with an attic, the floor of which has been painted since May, according to the owners and does not dry out, legs literally stick, it is impossible to walk, which spoiled the whole vacation.We won't go there again for that kind of money.