The course is about nothing, a set of stereotypical phrases. And very expensive. KBZHU is calculated incorrectly, as for a child. Even the calorie counter, which they offer to use on the course, shows completely different values. He claims that playing sports causes a fever, but swimming does not. Marta Marudova never went to the pool, otherwise she would have known that after good swimming training (and not just to wet her feet) What a shame. I do not recommend it, even for free!
I couldn't make friends with my head and body for many years. I am currently taking a course with Marta Sergeevna and I want to say that buying it is the right decision! Tremendous support on all fronts! Super qualified help. I would say it's a whole learning experience. The most advanced and scientific data on nutrition, psychology, no obscurantism: everything is scientific, structured and, most importantly, regular! I personally recommend it! Don't expect magic, just follow the recommendations. An absolutely working scheme for normalizing nutrition and a pleasant side effect is a dream figure 🔥🔥🔥
I was going to the course for a long time. I listened to free broadcasts for six months, but I didn't dare. And then a nice girl Olga finally persuaded me. Thank her for that. After 2.5 months, I have minus 13 kg. From size 60 to 52. I hope this is just the beginning. About the course:
1. It was important for me not to have to use a ready-made menu. Why should I transfer other people's tastes to myself? As a result, I eat only what I love and what is delicious to me.
2. Keeping a diary and counting calories was not difficult at all. But how important it is that they explained to me in detail (and many times, for those who do not understand) why exactly so much is needed, what happens to the body, why we eat one thing and do not eat another. This is very important to my inner logic. The diary has gained real meaning. You can say as much as you like that all this can be found on the Internet, I have read dozens, if not hundreds of articles, but in order to bring everything together like this and sort it out, a specialist is needed.
3. Support. This was the main reason why I went to the course. Very quick response of the curator and Marta Sergeevna to any request. I was really pleasantly surprised. I will see how I will be on my own, but there is a high probability that I will return to the course for feedback.
4. Because these months have changed my life, not only my eating habits, but also my activity and attitude towards myself. So I'm not going to stop. I hope that this will become a way of life for me for many years to come.
PS I didn't feel hungry on the program. Generally. Although I was mentally ready for it. I'm not sure that it will be so for everyone. But I couldn't always eat everything that was needed according to the norm. Although these were all my favorite dishes.
P.P.S. Marta Sergeevna, Olga, Victoria - thank you very much.
There are exactly 2 months between these photos.