TO THE LORD. We were surprised and delighted that in such a modern and pretty building there is a Christian, moreover, an Orthodox institution, or rather even several, of an educational profile. The main one is the International Public Association (NGO) "Christian Educational Center named after Saints Methodius and Cyril" (formerly the Belarusian Republican Christian Educational Foundation), as well as a Sunday school and a number of others. This kind of Orthodox institutions, even outwardly modern in architecture (similar was observed on the territory of the courtyard near the Church of the Sorrowful and the church of Euphrosyne of Polotsk), seems very important and inspires hope for the future. It's right, human. Especially in the Belarusian land, whose return to the paternal faith and Orthodoxy, in our opinion, is not so fast and not without problems. But the walking man will master the road. With God!