The parish of the church of St. Seraphim Archimandrite Zhirovitsky!
The Church of St. Blj. Xenia of St. Petersburg is very beautiful !All the walls are painted inside! If I'm not mistaken, it was built in the Byzantine style! Warm and comfortable!There is silence in the temple, the lamps are burning, the iconostasis is right in front, and the Savior looks into the soul of each of us with clear eyes. And under this gaze, we feel all the sinfulness of a trembling soul, and it is not by chance that we repeat: "Lord, have mercy and save."
A cozy, native, warm and comfortable temple, like a house church. The temple is beautiful, painted, there are icons with moshevichki. The parishioners are friendly and helpful. There are two fathers. There is a Sunday school. A bell tower is being built.