The Temple of Amenhotep II, located in Luxor, is one of the most impressive architectural monuments of Ancient Egypt. It was built in honor of the god Amun and Pharaoh Amenhotep II, who ruled Egypt during the New Kingdom.The temple impresses with its grandeur and beauty. It is made of sandstone and granite, and its walls are decorated with numerous bas-reliefs and hieroglyphs telling about the life and deeds of Pharaoh Amenhotep II. Inside the temple there are numerous halls and corridors that lead to the sanctuary, where statues of the gods once stood.The architecture of the temple deserves special attention. It has a characteristic shape for Egyptian temples — an elongated rectangle with columns and pylons. However, the temple of Amenhotep II differs from other temples in its symmetry and harmony of proportions.A visit to the temple of Amenhotep II leaves an unforgettable impression. This is a place where you can touch the history of Ancient Egypt and feel its greatness and beauty.