The only store in the city where you can find any household and sanitary goods from small things to a toilet or sink, once I even bought a bathtub there. If you don't know where to find something from this category, go there. Someone put a unit for being a slow seller, which is a plus, he will give advice and pick up what you need, because you are not buying for one day, but for a long time.
One of the few shops in the city where there is everything from household goods from basins, clothespins, bathroom curtains to plumbing. There are even levers for the gas stove, pots for flowers. Glue, fertilizers and much more. I really love this store. Monday is a day off
If I'm not mistaken, the address is also the store across the street from the Supermarket. A very attentive and knowledgeable seller who will tell, show and advise, and on terms favorable to the buyer. If there were 10 stars, I would have put everything. Even queues don't bother, it's clear why.
Plumbing is all there and prices are always acceptable, because there is one great-grandfather for such a store. Nails self-tapping screws drills faucets sinks toilets .
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Anonymous review
June 2, 2020
In general, a cool store, they will consult and help you choose the product you need!!!