The bread may be unlabeled, and the seller will boldly answer: "So you've already bought one." The pancakes absolutely did not like the taste - it looks like they overdid it with a sweetener, But they do not recognize anything
A good shop, I sometimes go there for ready-made food and a piece of happiness (this is the main reason). Not really my format: small area, limited assortment. But sometimes it's okay to stop by on the way from work
Almost every time I come in. The cashier does not stand near the cash register, but runs around the store doing other things, talking on the phone or signing papers. A person should always be at the checkout, so it's better to stand in an area of 5 people in euroopt than to wait for three days for a saleswoman busy with something else. I bought overdue a couple of times, a couple of times the product that I was interested in did not break through, apparently it was just brought and not yet entered into the database, then the question is: why put it on the shelves?)