Популярное блюдо, которое готовят на основе куриного бульона с добавлением лапши
1908 ₸0 g
Том ям с креветками и семгой
5148 ₸500 g
Говядина мякоть
4548 ₸250 g
Люля-кебаб из баранины
3108 ₸0 g
Шашлык из мякоти молодого барашка
4308 ₸0 g
Шашлык из свиной вырезки
3588 ₸300 g
Стейк Рибай
7188 ₸0 g
Хачапури по-аджарски
Лодочка на 2-3 персоны (20 см)
3108 ₸200 g
Белый чесночный
Имеет широкую популярность, благодаря своей универсальности и вкусовому богатству. Он придает блюдам особый аромат и вкус, делая их приятными для гурманов и любителей пикантности
The institution hosts various cultural events. Creative evenings , performances by interesting performers and groups . In general, a decent establishment with a normal kitchen and service. The interior sets you up for the lyrics . Prices are "horse-like" compared to expensive cities in the Russian Federation, but where in Kazakhstan are they different now?
The staff, despite their youth, is more or less normal ... There would be fewer people in hundreds if there were any norms at all))) , but this is again a modern trend .
In principle, the money spent is not a pity, and I think this is the most important thing...
This is the best place in the city. The menu is extensive and suitable for every taste. Delicacies, rolls, meat are very different on the grill and stewed and on the grill ... there is a proprietary application that works around the clock and delivery. Everything is in one place for the whole family and of very decent quality and taste! I recommend it! A joke! They have their own semi-finished meat products. The suvids are cooked. I took beshbarmak, cook it for 40 minutes and it's done.
It's a beautiful place
Always great service
The food is great - the meat is always very tasty!
The music is light, and in the evenings there are live creative evenings.
The atmosphere is gorgeous..
One of my favorite places in the city!