I bought "meat pads: with cheese" dumplings here, cooked them, smelled them and threw them in the trash because the smell from them is disgusting to the point of nausea. 12 days have passed since the date of manufacture, and the shelf life is six months. In the photo, you can see that the date of manufacture and the rest of the text are different. The rest of the text is more faded, I think they're reprinting the date of manufacture. The waffles are also purchased there and you can also see their condition and expiration date. This place needs to be closed.
The smell of dry cat food "hits the nose" from the entrance ((, because a pet store is adjacent to the same room. In general, everything is normal, the staff is very friendly, they work diligently, keep clean and tidy. I buy fruits here, you can often buy a chicken carcass at a discount, cheap vegetable oil and cereals. But the pastries are expensive and not very attractive.