The store has been updated, new equipment, and the assortment has become larger. Always great sellers. There is a new seller Sheshko Maria, so now there is no desire to visit the store. She's unhappy at the checkout, she can't buy tobacco from her, one answer to everything is "out of stock." Although we know all the assortment of this network. Previously, all cashiers found everything) He's also rude when you ask him to look! It's not clear why you should go to work in the service sector if it's not yours! Let the management pay attention to such employees who spoil the impression of the store.
The store is very good. Despite the size, there are a lot of things there. It is located in a convenient location. And competent employees. Deserved 5 stars
Максимально индивидуальный подход к дизайн проекту. Не смотря на то что это Название. Дружелюбный коллектив, приятная атмосфера. Очень довольны. Заказали кухню в четверг, привезли в пятницу , смонтировали в воскресенье. Молодцы ребята.