Very small. There is always a queue at the cash desks, since in most cases only one of the two cash desks works. A maximum of 5 items can be placed. If you take a lot of goods, there is simply nowhere to put it out of the basket at the checkout. First, you need to stack some of the purchases at the checkout, and when the cashier punches some of the purchases at the checkout, you pay for the rest of the purchases. You start to put everything in a package, the cashier announces the amount and waits with displeasure when you put everything in a package and pay for purchases. The customers standing in line are also waiting. The cash registers are VERY INCONVENIENTLY installed. For convenience, it would be possible for the cashier to take the goods directly from the basket. Or at least after punching the product at the checkout, you can immediately arrange it into a package (this is not at all difficult and not difficult, I know what I'm talking about) while the buyer adjusts the rest of the product from the basket to the checkout.
The store is good 👍🏿
Everything is normal, but sometimes there are * technical breaks*
The product is fresh.
We went to the store recently.
I was very surprised when I saw that there was almost nothing on the shelf where the pasta was.
Such good goods that they are even disassembled quickly