The store is within walking distance, there are many goods for the social group, a sufficient selection of products and basic necessities. Polite sellers.
Great store within walking distance.For a small room, a fairly good assortment.As for the timing of the goods, there have never been any questions (for me), they have always been normal.The team performs their duties as much as possible, there were no complaints against them
It's very sad. To live in the next house and constantly observe the degradation of the once beloved store! I do not know whose merit this is: whether the observed specific decline of the entire network, or whether it is the new head who has made every effort. But the fact is obvious: the store turns from an excellent retail outlet within walking distance into a village from the 90s. After changing the Euroopt sign to Hitexpress, it became very poor. There is less and less choice of products, the assortment has also been reduced by 2-3 times. Sour cream, milk is sometimes not available for days. Empty shelves and no sellers. Even the outdoor lighting of the territory adjacent to the store has not been able to be done for many years! And all it takes is to hang an LED lamp on the corner of the store! Pensioners (of whom the vast majority in the district) are coming to your store! It's dark in front of the store, even though the whole track is already retired, no one has repaired it for 100 years. And there are puddles, steps, ice... Even from such trifles, the attitude towards the administration of the store and the entire network develops. That's why I'm getting in the car more and more often and going to other stores for groceries, which I advise you to do. It's a pity, but the store is dying before our eyes in our time of "prosperity and stability!"
There is one saleswoman who is always cheating and rude, and this is a huge minus. On the plus side: the rest of the sellers are friendly, help with the choice, and are not rude. The store has a huge selection of products.
To buy a package of kefir, you need to buy a mask without which you can not serve.... and with a mask on your chin, you can.... circus.... Apart from this, the mask has not been needed in any store for a long time (August 2021)...