Good day! The store has a very poor selection of goods, perhaps due to the small area of the room. You have to visit it, because there are no more nearby shops in the area of this private sector. Fruits and vegetables lie there for months, spoil, very often there are no eggs, cashiers never comply with service standards, do not even greet. (my aunt is a pensioner, 87 years old, goes to a distant euroopt on Zlatoustovsky, says that the cashiers on Chausskaya are not polite). The largest area is occupied by alcoholic beverages (apparently there is a great demand), and dairy products, bread, vegetables - there is no choice. Store employees smoke right at the entrance to the store.
There was an akyaya for liverka and vodka Aquadive with pamidoryna, so you can immediately organize your leisure time
I would do all this with the estuary.