It was my first club in Grodno when I arrived a year ago. I had a great moment. But now, I suspect the staff to be non inclusive. They entry is 10 rubles, but they charged me 25 roubles two weeks ago. I'm a African. . I went back a week later they charged me 35. I said 25. And they agreed. The guy with whom I was that same night came earlier than me, so he was already in the hall. He told me it's not normal. He paid 10. My question is, are there different prices according to skin color? If yes it's a shame.
a wonderful institution, a large selection of alcohol and a sufficient number of snacks, among other establishments in the city, this bar can stand out in appearance, beautiful and comfortable decoration of the hall, all the staff are great, the bartenders are polite and very pleasant to communicate, the DJ was attentive to the requests of visitors, the musical accompaniment is at a high level, I would like to express special gratitude to the security who helped get rid of the annoying guy very timely
. The place is very pleasant, I will definitely come back
I liked the place.. The last time I was there was when there was another place... Hookahs are inexpensive and fairly well made.. There are snacks.. The only expensive beer for such a place is 8 rubles.. But maybe everything already seems expensive to me in this city