Баскет Фри и 2 соуса, Хашбраун (3 шт.) и 3 соуса, луковые колечки (9 шт.) и соус, наггетсы (9 шт.)
26.99 Br699 g
Байтсы терияки
Золотистые кусочки сочного куриного филе, приготовленные по уникальному секретному рецепту в соусе Терияки и посыпанные кунжутом. Густой соус Терияки со сладковато-соленым вкусом идеально сочетается с байтсами Kfc. Отлично подойдёт для вкусного перек
6.5 Br127 g
Рис Боул
Сочетание гарнира из тёплого риса с овощами и сочных кусочков курочки, покрытых насыщенным соусом терияки и приправленных кунжутом. Терияки обволакивает каждый кусочек сочной курочки и придает ей неповторимый сладковато-соленый вкус с тонким, по-азиа
9.3 Br315 g
Сырные палочки 10 шт и 2соуса
Нежный сыр моцарелла в хрустящей золотистой панировке с соусом. Отличное дополнение к нашей курочке
22.4 Br260 g
Сырные палочки 10 шт и 3соуса
Нежный сыр моцарелла в хрустящей золотистой панировке с соусом. Отличное дополнение к нашей курочке
23.5 Br260 g
Сырные палочки 15 шт и 3соуса
Нежный сыр моцарелла в хрустящей золотистой панировке с соусом. Отличное дополнение к нашей курочке
The atmosphere is as calm as possible, the waiting time is fast, the staff is polite, there is a lot of free space, the music is foreign, the food is delicious, the burgers are juicy, cleanliness is maintained, drinks with water do not seem to be mixed, milkshakes are delicious
We have always taken food here for several years and everything was fine, but today the blonde girl ruined everything about the service in this institution. We will not go to this point again. The girl did not want to work as much as possible. At first, I had to wait 7 minutes until they came to the window and served, then after ordering, the girl said the waiting time was 10 minutes, when she realized that we agreed to wait, she said that the waiting time was 15, but maybe even more. The tone was arrogant and clearly not friendly, the person just didn't want to work with the flow of people that she had. We are not conflicted people, but this case is memorable. Now we will choose other points of the CFS or go to other restaurants.
The KFS is as always a cannon! Especially when there are good stocks in general, fire! The establishment itself is spacious, there are many tables for boarding! Only the staff leaves much to be desired, because 4! They are not efficient, they do not listen to orders from customers carefully, because the queues move for a long time! And several times it happened that the declared number of wings per serving was not reported! Fortunately, the administrator is handsome, he always handled everything quickly and settled the incident pleasantly for both sides!