A great place on the outskirts of Almaty, there is a KFS, a cookery, a coffee shop, a shop. In addition to refueling and food, there is a shower, a washer and dryer, a namazkhana, a playground. I advise everyone to come here, it is very convenient
On 18.11.2014, they were poisoned. As for the shower technicians, I do not work every time before taking a shower, I wash the floors and this time even the drain was forgotten.. I was cleaning the drain... I started taking a shower and turned off the water. Yes, the technicians close the toilet and shower an hour before the delivery, no matter who is inside, I was stuck there for an hour and a half
The scoreboard says that the order is ready
But in fact, it's simple to get there prematurely, and then you sit or stand and wait.
I want you to pay attention to this.