Like any other post office there are plenty of people who are ready to go postal, but skillful employers are doing their best to keep everything under control📮
At the post office, the operators serve terribly, they do not know how to carry out the operation correctly, you make a remark, they begin to be rude.No mail, but a misunderstanding.
Good service why do you come and can't get the parcel , they don't have time to put it in the cells , so if they don't get it , then you need to dial the moles and then the old lady walks ate ate and don't send SMS and then we have nothing else to do, go twice to this mail , why no one checks their work , we pay for delivery and in response, we get rudeness
The parcel department works well, without complaints, but there is a problem with cashiers) they kick from one cash register to another. When will the salaries of postal workers be raised? The shortage of personnel is severe.
In general, it's not bad, but employees sometimes fail to arrange parcels, an SMS arrives that the parcel has arrived, you come, but we haven't put them in the boxes yet, come later, it's very frustrating!