Our long-suffering Drama Theater named after Abai is better known as a platform for pop performances by singers and artists, both famous and not so famous. The acoustics in the hall are good, the audibility of the audio effects in both the back and front rows is the same. The exterior of the theater is also impressive and impressive. From the dramatic performances of the past years, I remember the composition dedicated to one of the Islamic holidays - this small composition was a masterpiece, the artists played, or rather lived their roles on stage so skillfully that, I am sure, every viewer in the hall deep down wanted to learn more about Islam, its origins and place in the life of each of us... Bravo!!!
It has become very good in the theater in recent years. The acoustics are good, the hall is comfortable, the viewing is pleasant, the air conditioning system works perfectly, despite the full house, the friendly staff!
It's a nice building. But it does not function as it should. There is no development or integrated approach. Judging by the posters of the city, it is designed for people of retirement age. Children's performances are not held at all, although there are very few of them in the city.
If the buffet was opened,there would be a light on it. I didn't like it when I went outside ,and I didn't like it when I got stuck in line at the door to get out of the front door.
Absolutely not created conditions. The start time of the concert was 21:30. The clock is now 21:55 but has not started yet. No explanatory work was carried out. What nonsense.
The excitement in the dressing room. Cramped chairs, very close to each other, it is very uncomfortable for a person above average height to sit: his knees rest against the chair in front of him
I attended a concert by singer Nurbullin, the hall is beautiful, but small.the singer divided it into several performances so that everyone could stay at the concert.
Whatever the performance, it is better to start on time, and the staff of the drama theater should not let a late person in. It's good to have discipline.