This is a local bank here like in India on phone and Paytm type, so in this you can do many things like basic mobile recharge and basic home electronics recharge bus card. This is a local bank here.
After the branches of Halyk and other "big" banks, Kaspi is just an outlet. Fast, high-quality, polite, modern. It took one minute to reissue the card from the moment of entering the branch. Well, two. I looked into a special slot machine, he recognized me and asked if I wanted to reissue the card. And that's it, I started typing right away. Then all that remains is to assign a pin in the application and voila - a reissued card in your hands.
What is missing: more currencies, international transfers. This is a bank to spend money on living, to buy everyday things for yourself, this is done at the highest level. The assortment is much smaller than in Ozone, but this is not so important.