The paintings leave an indelible impression, the classics are at their best.
The transfer of the true beauty of the Belarusian reality of the last century was made by the brush of a talented artist.
There are many rural landscapes that you will not find in modern art galleries. Closer to the best examples of the XIX century.
It's bad that the guides only talk about Belmovo (that's how they are forced from above).
We were on a guided tour. Great gallery. I liked the artist's paintings very much. The wife of the owner of the gallery exhibits glassware from the Neman factory. Very decent. Good atmosphere.
Удивительно душевное место, картины затрагивают самые потаённые струны души, великолепные экскурсоводы и радушная хозяйка дома (жена художника) оставили самое приятное впечатление, по возможности постараюсь вернуться еще
Отличное атмосферное место!
Замечателные работы художника Кастуся Качана.
Красивая коллекция старинной посуды и мебели.
Вкусный кофе с конфеткой)