Prices are not specified . As it is , it is quite satisfactory . Girls and boys are public. There is a lot of assortment . It is cool especially in summer. Neither cheap nor expensive.
The store is wholesale, there is a lot of everything from toilet paper to perfume. There are no price tags, but if you want to know the price, you can contact an assistant. It's bad that the service at the checkout leaves much to be desired, and even in general... But it is cheaper than in other retail outlets.
A good shop, nice prices, a large assortment of soap products, a selection of perfumes for both women and men, and for kids, which is not a little important!
A very excellent store, a large assortment, low prices, cashback. I shop there. It suits me! I advise you, you will not regret it! The prices are cheap, even lower than in the supermarket.
Some products are more expensive than in other stores
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Show business's response
Рафаэль Хамитов
Level 5 Local Expert
October 29, 2023
A large assortment. There is no price for the goods, you need to check at the checkout. Prices relative to others are something cheaper, something more expensive. Overall not bad