In general, I like the pencil printing center, although I usually print at Khmelnitsky, but there was an emergency situation and I went to this pavilion. And there I came across something extremely strange. Today, a black-and-white sketch was printed at Khmelnitsky 7 in Karndasha, it was necessary to enlarge it to the size of 12 by 17 and scratch it out, the sketch itself was slightly smaller in size. They charged me 65 kopecks for this. But then I realized that it wasn't 12 by 17, but 13 by 18, so I came here. And for absolutely the same task - to print out the sketch in a mirrored format, only not 12 by 17 but 13 by 18 - they charged me 3 rubles and 15 kopecks. The amount is small, but it's still not clear why 1 centimeter of black-and-white printout in A4 format suddenly cost more than 2 rubles.
The company applied to print postcards and stickers by February 14 - as a result, just ruined postcards and the impression of the service.
Previously, they used to print on their own for several years in a row, but lately they simply no longer have the strength to fight with the size, then with the paper.
It all started with an online order. Several times we were told that the design was done incorrectly and we would need to send THEM to the designer for an additional fee to fix the layouts, which were actually designed according to the standards of the design studio and not in the canvas (as the consultant girls told us on the phone) :) as a result: a lot of wasted time, several low-quality printed sheets, which were just unpleasant to give. The stickers were perfectly printed elsewhere. We are not going to use a Pencil anymore.
Напыщенный консультант в первом павильоне Всеволод. У меня был необычный заказ, но после его наплевательского отношения к деталям я поняла, что браться за него он не хочет. Никогда не думала, что компания позицианирующая себя, как лучшая типография Минска, так отнесётся к клиенту. Заказ я сделала в другой типографии без вопросов и намного дешевле. Не советую обращаться в Карандаш.