колбаски из индейки с паприкой, колбаски из говядины с травами и коньяком, колбаса из свинины с горчицей, соус томатный пряный, горчица, перец печеный, зелень
75 Br1,000 g
К каждой чарке своя шкварка
дегустационный сет из пяти настоек и закусок к ним
27 Br425 g
Крылышки жареные с пивом
крылья куриные, чеснок, соус томатный, пиво в бокале
20 Br850 g
Белые грибы маринованные
белые грибы маринованные, лук репчатый, подсолнечное масло, зелень
Good good and nice staff. Better to make a reservation to be sure that you'll get the table especially if it's mire than 2 of you. Also be ready to wait for a main course for 25-30 min.
Kamyanitsa Cafe is conveniently located near the tram tracks. The menu here is really impressive — the variety of dishes pleases the eye and awakens the appetite. Each dish is prepared with love and attention to detail. I especially liked the fresh salads and fragrant hot dishes that just melt in my mouth!
The service in the cafe is top—notch - the waiters work quickly and professionally, they are always ready to help with the choice and answer questions.
Cafe Kamyanitsa has become a favorite place not only for local residents, but also for the staff of our medical center, as well as for patients. There is a friendly atmosphere here that helps you relax and enjoy delicious food after visiting the doctor.
If you are looking for a cozy place with excellent cuisine and fast service, be sure to visit Kamyanitsa! We recommend it!
We were there with my family for the last dinner in Minsk. Authentic Belarusian cuisine. An interesting pitch. The original interior. I really liked the draniki, duck, desserts and tinctures!! And there was a talkative, friendly waitress who guided us around and also told us a lot of interesting things about the culture of Belarus. Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly what her name is. Julia, I think. It's a good place.