The Old Town in Antalya is the most popular attraction. Tourists are attracted by the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of antiquity. Fortress walls, towers, and residential buildings have been well preserved even since the time of ancient Rome. Some have been restored. It is very exciting to realize that these walls "remember" the people who lived here several centuries ago. Perhaps one of the early Christians walked here and preached about Jesus Christ to the inhabitants of the ancient city. It is written about one of these Christians in the biblical book of Acts:
"He knew the teaching of [the Lord] and, prompted by the holy Spirit, spoke and taught about Jesus with great fervor..."
A wonderful place to walk. There are many cafes, restaurants, shops, souvenir shops. The prices are too high, designed for tourists) There is a hammam, supermarkets. There are exits to the port, to the Memerli beach and to the park.