An ordinary children's polyclinic with two districts connected, which led to queues, regardless of whether you have a ticket or not, with a lack of specialist doctors and a shortage of pediatricians. Getting a ticket to the dentist is very problematic, but getting a ticket to the orthodontist is not realistic at all. If your child needs a massage, then immediately look for a place to do it for a fee, because here you will not wait for your turn, I waited for the call for the sake of interest, two years have passed, I even contacted the office several times, each time I heard different answers. But if your child has a disability group, then yes, I waited a week. The attitude of the doctors depends on the situation, whether you came on a ticket or not, on their mood, but for 14 years they have been attentive and adequate in principle.
I do not recommend orthodontist Kravchenko, he behaves rudely to himself, speaks out of business, instilled in the child a complex about the second chin, I am shocked how you can talk and behave in front of children. A paid orthodontist was recommended to put a plate on, to which Kravchenko said go and put it for a fee, although in this hospital the child is supposed to be free. I do not understand the meaning of such doctors, they do not take their place!!! To put it mildly, I'm just furious!