Диагональ 6,7"
Разрешение 2796x1290
Яркость 1000 кд/м²
Контрастность 2000000:1
Плотность пикселей на дюйм 460 пикс/дюйм
Тип дисплея OLED
Технологии дисплея True Tone
Разрешение камеры 48 Мп
Тип объектива широкоугольный сверхширокоугольный
3980 Br1 pcs.
Б/у iPhone 14 Pro Max 128 ГБ Deep Purple
Диагональ 6,7"
Разрешение 2796x1290
Яркость 1000 кд/м²
Контрастность 2000000:1
Плотность пикселей на дюйм 460 пикс/дю йм
Тип дисплея OLED
Технологии дисплея True Tone
Разрешение камеры 48 Мп
Тип объектива широкоугольный сверхширокоугольный
3870 Br1 pcs.
Б/у iPhone 14 Pro 256 ГБ
Диагональ 6,1"
Разрешение 2556x1179
Яркость 1000 кд/м²
Контрастность 2000000:1
Плотность пикселей на дюйм 460 пикс/дюйм
Тип дисплея OLED
Технологии дисплея True Tone
I recently purchased an iPhone from the Jam Store and was extremely satisfied! The purchase process was quick and hassle-free: the staff are polite and always ready to help with choosing a device for specific tasks. I consider the opportunity to hand over my old phone via Trade-in to be excellent, you don't need to worry about a long and not always convenient sale of your old device.
I would especially like to note the high level of service: when I had questions about the setup, they helped me quickly, and I feel that the customers are really being watched here.
The service is at the highest level. Fast and high-quality consulting. Pleasant managers who hear the client and are able to find an individual approach to everyone.
Thank you for your professionalism, for your help in choosing and for your recommendations!
I will safely advise this store)
We liked it. Thank you. The guys explained everything in detail and helped with the choice. I liked the terms of the warranty and the terms of purchase, I was presented with a protective glass and a case, I was treated to coffee. It is nice that for all questions concerning the operation of the purchased phone, you can contact the nearest.
It's frustrating that there are parking problems, but it's solvable.