Стейк тибон, приготовленный в хоспере, с картофелем и соусом
3299 ₸280 g
Шашлык из куриного филе
2359 ₸300 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
The main restaurant is a different matter compared to the branches!! The food is delicious , the staff is trained, clean and clients come on weekdays and weekends. It all depends on the kitchen and the staff, but as always, PARKING is a fly in the ointment!!!!! It's not that I understand that there's not much you can fix, but we need to solve this issue! The summer playground is a quiet horror, the smells of gasoline, mosquitoes at the beginning of summer, fluff, if it's not okay, decide, and so everything is fine, the beautiful marquise is a joke!
We visited this place in 2022 and now, nothing has changed, you can't wait for the waiters to come and take the order, and the dishes are prepared for a very long time, although the hall is almost empty. They bring an incomplete order , for example, croutons are added to mashed soups, they bring them without them. Later I ask where? Oh, sorry, they're over! (It seems like a small thing, but it hurt) It's like having a barbecue with vegetables, but without vegetables, and saying oh, we're done.