Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
1000 ₸
Отлично сочетаются с различными соусами, овощами или салатами, чтобы создать более полноценное и сытное блюдо
3500 ₸
Отлично сочетаются с различными соусами, овощами или салатами, чтобы создать более полноценное и сытное блюдо
The doner is very tasty, although it depends on the shift, but it is delicious compared to other places. However, the fries have a very tiny portion of ketchup. Onion rings are not delicious. The pizza is ordinary, Not good, not bad. The prices are affordable. Of the cons, they were not allowed to read the prayer somehow, the new Kazakh staff is not particularly friendly. Of the drinks, only Cola and salty ayran are like water, there is never another assortment. Otherwise, everything is fine. It's warm inside. Comfortably.
It's delicious, a regular customer, but sometimes when the cook changes, there's not enough sauce, there used to be no greens now, but your regular, big request, Aunt Anna, tell your cooks not to spare the sauce.
Well, I ate a couple of times, the staff is normal, the atmosphere is normal, the waiting time is normal, the food is normal, the drinks are normal, the dishes are normal. And a few more words.