I often visit this pharmacy.almost all medicines are available.the pharmacists are good.they will always prompt and tell you.sometimes it seems to me that they know better than doctors.I especially like the blonde woman.the oldest of them all.There is only one who is eternally dissatisfied.somehow I forgot the card on the terminal.I came on the trail.the day she scolded me so much that my blood pressure rose.She's old enough to be my daughter, but as a little stepfather.a skinny little one with a tail.
A definite plus is the location device, a large selection
The negative side is the prices and the lack of cheap drugs or more loyal analogues of expensive drugs according to the price tag
This pharmacy, namely N31, writes that there are discounts on a certain list of goods to attract customers, upon purchase of promotional goods, they say unfortunately our cashier does not give a discount for technical reasons and offer to purchase at full cost. Be careful and I do not advise you to purchase goods from this pharmacy chain.
Today, on 06/19/2018 , we once again went to the ISKAMED pharmacy at the address ul.Kuntsevo region 19 .We are a large family, we come for medicines often. We came in today, we needed to buy a lot of medicines. And my child wanted to go to the toilet. I grabbed my tummy, they asked at two ticket offices.We were refused. They answered:- "Do you understand that we have a service toilet?" .I replied, "I understand."
I thought they would miss it after all.But no! I had to run home