Ассорти из изысканных сыров: камамбер, "Джюгас", чечил и горгонзола. В дополнение идут: мёд, оливки, маслины, помидоры черри и обжаренная на гриле хрустящая чиабатта.
27 Br
Морепродукты со свежими овощами
Изысканная закуска из кальмаров в хрустящей панировке, тигровых креветок и мидий, припущенных в белом вине. Подаётся с салатом из свежих овощей.
26 Br
Карпаччо из говядины
Классическая закуска из тонко нарезанных кусочков говядины с заправкой из оливкового масла и бальзамического уксуса.
21 Br
Мясное плато
Кусочки вяленой свиной корейки, нежное домашнее сало и вяленое куриное филе, приготовленное по особому рецепту в шотландском виски. Дополняется помидорами черри, маслинами и тёртым хреном. Отличное блюдо на компанию из мясных изысков!
Very good institution. They often fail to happen, but a few visits leave only positive emotions: the staff is polite, attentive, fast, "smart"; the dishes and drinks are delicious and quite interesting; the interior is neat and calm. Personally, my husband and I are comfortable here))) so today we stopped by, and you visit (I recommend) and decide for yourself)))
The place itself is not bad and the music, the atmosphere, the air conditioners are working. Very polite staff, quick serving of food and drinks. That's all of the advantages. The food is not tasty from the word at all, sauces for dishes are the same, alcoholic drinks are also not very mildly speaking. There are no photos of the dish or their composition on the menu, even the cheese balls for some reason were made of cottage cheese. In general, it is a disappointment in one word, although as it was there a few years ago, according to friends, that the cuisine there was excellent, the prices are not justifiably high.
A wonderful place with excellent cuisine, a huge selection of alcohol and polite, friendly staff. The service and service are always at the highest level. Perhaps the best institution in Borisov.
I highly recommend visitors to try different tinctures that the guys make according to their own recipe 👌