Good quality test results were tested, the test results were accurate, the prices are a little too high, but it's worth it if you need to urgently get the result of the analysis for an additional fee, you will be given the result within a day
Bu yaxshi labaratoriya deb tavsiya qila olmayman. Masuliyatsiz xodimalari bor.
Aksiya o'tkazgan vaqtlarida Gistologiya analiz javobini ololmadik, lekin keyin IGHni bepul qilib berishdi.
The best laboratory according to European standards
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Неважно Неважно
Level 7 Local Expert
March 29
The advantages are that they have something that the state does not have, and the disadvantages are that it is very expensive and the diagnoses are very questionable. In my case, their diagnosis has not been confirmed.
Сейчас это вполне современная, цивильная лаборатория и войти не страшно, главное - подробное и доступное объяснение доктора Гульрух(отчество доктор не назвала) о анализах и исследованиях. Чувствуется, что о тебе думают и заботятся.