I just beat the bank and issued, or rather submitted applications to uzkart.
By the numbers of the service
Excellent staff are polite and the bistro is served
The bank is comfortable, all questions were answered clearly and clearly, I am satisfied
High-quality service services. The competence of the staff is at an excellent level. Fast customer service. This bank has a lot of clients. A good approach to each client. Convenient deposits and favorable credit conditions.
There are a lot of visitors, there are queues. But inside it is clean and civilized. At the information desk, you can get information from the operator, including in Russian. But the golden crown is not given to non-residents.
Inconvenient system of operators, queue allocation. Ottomans stand so that sitting on them you will not see a screen with a queue. There are always a lot of people
Everything is not always smooth, there are inconveniences for the population when paying for utilities, it is necessary to accept payment before 18.00, since people work until 16.00 and do not have time.