A calm bank. You come in, take the electronic queue and ... although I have, since I got plastic cards from the bank "I". A bank employee installed the application on the phone and linked the cards - so now a calm and convenient bank is always with me.
The district branch of the bank. A lot of people. If you are from Russia and came to receive cards, you are not here, go to the main office near the railway station.
A normal bank, you can work, good staff, but there is a minus in the system of this bank, to issue an online microloan you need to be a client of this bank and have a salary, I think this is a big minus. By 7 points.
There is an ATM on the street for accepting currency. The service is good. The depository of the bank is high. servicing legal entities, entrepreneurs, bistros and without delay.
Good adequate % car loan rates. It's sad that there's no place to park the car there. And there are a lot of people who don't understand why they came there.