Types of expertise:shoe expertise, land management expertise, judicial expertise, handwriting expertise, construction expertise, fire-technical expertise, merchandising expertise, examination of noise and background noise, furniture expertise, dental expertise, medical expertise, linguistic expertise, electrotechnical expertise, foundation expertise, psychological expertise, thermal imaging inspection of buildings and structures, genetic expertise, forensic expertise, technical inspection of buildings and structures, energy audit, psychiatric expertise, expertise of vibration and vibration background, expertise of household appliances, traceology
Score:equipment cost estimation, assessment of car damage in case of an accident, assessment of flood or fire damage, land valuation
Promotions:discounts, promotions, special offers
Payment method:cash, payment by card, electronic money
Очень своеобразная организация. Могу на уровне оценочных суждений предполагать, что по желанию аффилируется с более влиятельной силой и может за ваши деньги дать противоположный ожидаемому результат.