08.10.24 they called an ambulance at 12 :00 and drove 1.40, although it didn't do that to us.... and it's not the first time, a person can't breathe and we can't do anything, but they ate, they drove for 3 hours for the first time! Who to complain to, I don't even know what kind of work it is
It is high time to draw the attention of our city administration to this urban garbage dump called "field of miracles" and restore order, which was built there by a family dynasty under the leadership of Gomonov.The fish bends from the head.And they also call him the man of the year of Vitebsk region, och. It's hilarious, almost nauseating...
20.11.2023, 22:53 they called an ambulance, paramedic Bazyleva Olga Olegovna came, clearly and quickly provided medical assistance to her son for 10 years, it is clear, accessible, correct, explained for what a big thank you, Olga Olegovna reacted with understanding, explained everything in an accessible way and explained what and how to do and what priporaty in such a situation should be blown, there would be more such Medetsyn robotnik in our medetsyn. Please express your gratitude to Olga Bazyleva!!!!