Cockroaches are running around on the floor, everything is old already from Soviet times, shoe shelves, walls are shabby, there are no benches at all, waiting for a taxi you will have to sit on the side of the road ((((( old plastic pots from ten years ago, toilet paper and soap appear occasionally and then with the help of parents carpets are also washed at the expense of parents toys and stationery, as always, is also at their expense, food is not so good, porridge is almost on the water, you can barely make a child touch it or feed him at home only in the garden, everything seems to be perfect on paper, but in fact we take the child hungry, playgrounds seem to be in sugar, trampled earth is barely planted somewhere, it seems flowers, it's a pity for children, a couple of swings, a couple of slides for all the children, dangers around, ditches without fencing where a child can be taken when going for a walk or back, ventilation is not available at all at a time when it's cold it's impossible to open windows, children suffocate from lack of clean air, groups are overflowing take everyone in a row...
There is no ventilation, children have nothing to breathe, the weather does not allow them to open the windows, children have to literally suffocate in the stench of toilets, which is very insulting, and cockroaches lie quietly on the floor, no one even pays attention to it