Приятная атмосфера
Новые знакомства
Коммуникативная методика - упор на разговорную речь
Современные пособия и материалы
Игры на английском
Много аутентичных аудио и видео материалов
Современный актуальный английский
120 Br8 h
Английский для школьников в группе 2 раза в неделю
Занятия 2 раза в неделю + домашние задания
Топовые пособия британских издательств
Регулярный контроль успеваемости
Занятия по коммуникативной методике
Проработка всех аспектов языка
Интересные и продуктивные занятия
I have been studying here for the second year now and I would like to express my gratitude to the school for the wonderful opportunity to fulfill my long-held dream of learning English, as well as special thanks to my teacher Elmira for her extraordinary approach and author's teaching methods. Thanks to her, classes are held just in one go, very lively, organic and mega productive!
A modern studio in the historical center of the city. It is convenient to get there both by public transport and by car. There are different schedule options for different training levels.
I work with a teacher online. I am very pleased with the choice, all the material is given very clearly, consistently and in a timely manner. The fear of talking has disappeared. I am learning English from scratch and I can already maintain a dialogue myself. I recommend.